Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Rules & Entry Form for WI Carp Championship

As promised, here is the link for the 1st WI Carp Championship Rules & Entry Form. If by chance you are struggling to find the document, please respond to this blog with your email address and I'll send it to you.

I'm starting to get excited, as this is the first Tournament of this type in WI; there should be several very experienced catch-and-release Carp Anglers attending from all over the US (hopefully we'll have some International Carp Anglers too!), and the prize-money will make it well worthwhile for anyone here in NEWFishing Land who wants to try their luck at Carp-fishing! Make a note in your diary or calendar; June 16th and 17th, at Jefferson Park in Menasha. You need to register by the end of May, by mailing in your completed entry form and deposit.

If you are thinking about fishing, but not sure if you are at a "competitive catch-and-release carp-fishing level", let me know, and I'll try and offer you some tips and advice on how to catch. Don't worry about me giving any secrets away; I've been asked to help organize the event, so I can't fish anyway!

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