Sunday, May 27, 2007

Nasty Weather, Nice Fish...

... and there's really not much more to be said! I sneaked away from the household chores for a few hours yesterday evening. After a fair amount of rain had fallen I had high hopes of what the Irish would call "a fine, moist evening".
A bunch of high singles and low teens weren't quite what I expected, but I did connect with the "8.20pm Amtrak from Two Rivers to Houston"! Eventually I slid a long and beautifully-conditioned fish into the landing net. 33lb 2oz; always a good feeling to land the first 30-pounder of the season, even if the weather wasn't perfect!


specimenrudd said...

Nice fish - shame about the evil grin behind it!
Are you for real, Les?
I´d better get on a flight STO-Chic
right sharpish! Wait a mo´! Did I read about crappy cold weather?wuuuuur! Better wait a month!

Lee Young said...

It's not that cold here! I've just become used to the 30+ days... now anything less than 15 in May seems way too cold for me.

And yes, you'd better get over to O'Hare fairly soon... I'm currently stalking a small pod of 40+ fish... I need some help finding a way to hook one!

Unknown said...

Lee - Awesome stuff mate, love the writing!

Sean Manning
American Carp Society Director
Editor - The American Carper